Table of Contents

MGS and Spatial Computing

a tutorial at UCNC'2012

a picture of a machine to break the monotony of the list

Related Web Pages

Plan of the Lectures & Tutorial Slides

Lecture I (Tuesday, September 4)

    1. Modelling Morphogenesis
    2. (DS)2: dynamical systems with a dynamical structure
    1. Collection
    2. Transformation
    3. A Functional Language
    1. Algorithmic Examples
    2. 1D Collections
    3. GBF
    4. Delaunay

Lecture II (Wednesday, September 5)

  1. Motivations & Application domains
    1. MGS Formalism
    2. Patch transformation (application: remeshing)
    3. Discrete differential operator (application: a generic diffusion operator)
    4. An integrative example: growing a T shape

Lecture III (Thursday, September 6)

  1. (Motivation & Application domains)
  2. MGS
    1. Stochastic Strategies (e.g. Gillespie)
    1. Self-Assembly of Musical Spaces
    2. Growing an Ontology with the Little Riding Hood
    3. Growing an Analogy with Paul Ricœur
    4. Programming unconventional models
    1. Generic pattern matching
    2. Incremental HOAS implementation of a DSL
    3. Beyond algebraic data type : a Generic Advanced API for Containers
  3. Current Frontiers
    1. From Global to Local
    2. Synthetic Biology
    3. Multi-level and partial processes
    4. Hybrid Modelling
    5. Time

Supplementary Materials

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The documents contained in these directories are included by the contributing authors as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a non-commercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors and by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright.

    1. Dynamical Systems with a Dynamical Structure (DS)2 and Morphogenesis
    2. Interaction-based Computing
    3. Spatial Computing
    1. Collection and Transformation
    2. A Functional Language
    3. Small Collection (1D)
      1. Monoidal
      2. Group-Based
      3. Graph
      4. Delaunay
    4. Algorithmic Examples: primes, factorial, Fibonacci, convex hull, sort, maximum segment sum, …
    5. More elaborated examples:
      1. GBF : Eden, cellular automata
      2. Delaunay : flocking bird
    6. Abstract Combinatorial Complex
      1. Formalization
      2. Discrete differential operators
    1. Programming Unconventionnal Models
      1. Rewriting based
        1. Gamma, HOCL
        2. P systems Lindenmayer systems
        3. Fraglet
      2. Non-rewriting based
        1. Cellular and Lattice gaz automata
        2. Blob computing
        3. Proto
        4. Data parallelism
    2. Transition Systems and Verifications
      1. The Needham-Schroeder public-key protocol
      2. Integrated Regulatory Network (IRN)
    3. Self-assembly
    4. Biology
      1. Gastrulation
      2. Synthetic Biology: the iGEM'07 Paris project
      3. The Growth of a Meristem
    5. Music
      1. Tonnetz
      2. The All Interval Series
    6. Artificial Intelligence
      1. Extracting an Ontology without a priori : The Little Red Riding Hood
      2. Analogy through paths
    1. Incremental HOAS Implementation of a Dynamic DSL
    2. Beyond algebraic data type : a Generic Advanced API for Containers
    3. Generic pattern matching
    1. From Global to Local
    2. Synthetic Biology
    3. Multi-level and partial processe
    4. Hybrid Modelling
    5. Time
